Book an appointment and come to Carmel Allergy if you or your loved ones have any of the following symptoms or signs:

  • Frequent Sneezing
  • Itchiness
  • Wheezing
  • Drug Reaction
  • Constant Sniffles
  • Hives
  • Cough
  • Pet Allergy
  • Runny Nose
  • Red Eyes
  • Rash
  • Insect Bite Reaction
  • Stuffy Nose
  • Difficulty Breathing
  • Food Reaction
  • Frequent Infections
  • Fatigue
  • Other Symptoms Identified by Your Medical Provider

Service Overview

Carmel Allergy LLC is a specialty medical practice and its major procedures include but are not limited to the following:

  • Management of food allergy- diagnosis and testing
  • Management of environmental allergy-diagnosis and testing
  • Asthma - diagnosis and treatment (spirometry)
  • Atopic Dermatitis
  • Insect allergy
  • Drug allergy and drug desensitization
  • Contact dermatitis (including patch testing)
  • Diagnosis and management of primary and secondary immune deficiencies
  • Allergy skin testing (subcutaneous and intradermal)
  • Allergen Immunotherapy

Based in Carmel, Indiana, we focus on food allergies, food protein enterocolitis (FPIES), atopic dermatitis, asthma, medication allergy, insect allergy, environmental allergy, and other allergic conditions. We use modern electronic medical records, an interactive patient portal, and social media to create an unparalleled patient experience.

Food Allergy

Food Allergy: This can result from the immune system recognizing certain foods as foreign to the body. The most common foods that cause food allergy are Cow milk, Eggs, Fish, Peanut, Shellfish, Soy, Tree nuts, and Wheat.

Symptoms and Signs of Food Allergy

These include: hives or red, itchy skin, swelling of face or skin, stuffy or itchy nose, sneezing, teary eyes, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps (common in children). Symptoms of anaphylaxis include hoarseness, throat or chest tightness, lump in the throat, wheezing, trouble breathing, or persistent vomiting and/or diarrhea. If any of these anaphylaxis symptoms occur, call 911 immediately.

Food Intolerance

Persons might develop intolerance to specific foods without a true allergy present. It is important to diagnose and manage these conditions properly.

Diagnosis and Treatment

It is important to determine if your symptoms are due to a food allergy or food intolerance. Our providers can make a diagnosis through an allergy skin test, blood test, or oral food challenge. After an accurate diagnosis, we will work with you to determine the best treatment plan. A Food Allergy Action Plan will be provided which may include a prescription for auto Injectable epinephrine.

There are new and emerging treatments for food allergies that may enable early introduction of certain foods particularly in children. An oral food challenge to a food can also be performed if appropriate.

Call Carmel Allergy today to schedule a consultation and obtain the optimal treatment for you.

Nose & Eye Allergy

These commonly occur together and can be caused by allergens outside the house like trees, grasses and weeds and also indoor allergens such as pet dander, dust mite, molds etc.

Eye Allergy (Allergic Conjunctivitis)

Eye allergies occur when an allergen irritates the eyes. Common allergens such as pollen (tree, grass, weed) and mold spores are the most common causes of allergic conjunctivitis. Indoor allergens like pet dander and dust mites can also cause eye allergies year-round. It is important to distinguish between allergic conjunctivitis and eye infections that could be threatening to eyesight. Often times, eye allergy symptoms occur alongside nasal rhinitis symptoms.

Symptom & Signs of Eye Allergy:

  • Watery Eyes
  • Itchiness
  • Sensitivity to Light
  • Redness
  • Grittiness
  • Eyelid Swelling
  • Poor Vision

Nasal Allergies-Allergic Rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis (Hay Fever) is often caused by pollen (tree, grass, weed), but can also be triggered by common indoor allergens including pet dander, mold, dust mites, and cockroach particles. Hay fever is often characterized by irritating symptoms in the nose, throat, eyes, ears, skin, and roof of the mouth.

Symptom Allergic Rhinitis (Hay Fever):
  • Itching of the Nose, Roof of the Mouth, Throat, and Eyes
  • Sneezing
  • Stuffy Nose (Congestion)
  • Runny Nose
  • Dark Circles Under the Eyes (Allergic Shiners)
  • Tearing Eyes

Nasal allergies lead to increase nasal secretions, blockage of drainage and can trigger/ make sinusitis worse. Allergy testing can identify allergic triggers and help determine the optimal care for your sinusitis.

Symptoms of Sinusitis:
  • Thick Yellow-Green Nasal Discharge
  • Painful Pressure in Cheeks and Forehead
  • Postnasal Drip, Often With a Bad Taste
  • Cough
  • Congestion
  • Pain in the Teeth

Diagnosis & Treatment

It is important to determine the exact triggers of your nose or eye allergies. Most patients will require and allergy skin test to make the diagnosis. After an accurate diagnosis, we will work with you to determine the best treatment plan. If your symptoms are not well controlled with simple medications, other options include Oral Allergen Immunotherapy and Allergy Shots. Call Carmel Allergy today to schedule a consultation and obtain relief.


Asthma is usually a chronic recurrent reversibly airway obstruction. There are many types of asthma and a correct diagnosis is important to achieve effective treatment. Asthma can be closely related to physical activity (exercise-induced asthma) or it can develop by inhaling fumes, gases, or dust while on the job (occupational asthma). Allergies to seasonal pollens (trees, grass, weeds) and indoor allergens (dust mite, cockroach, mold, and pets) can make asthma worse. Treatment of Asthma and any associated Allergic disorders can significantly improve outcomes especially in children. Our providers will diagnose the type of asthma you have and its triggers then prescribe treatment to help you live freely and fully. Call Carmel Allergy today to schedule a consultation and obtain relief.

Symptoms of Asthma:

  • Wheezing
  • Chest Tightness or Pain
  • Chronic Coughing
  • Coughing With Exercise
  • Coughing Until Vomiting
  • Trouble Sleeping Due to Coughing or Wheezing
  • Scratchy, Whistling Sound When Breathing
  • Recurrent Bronchitis Requiring Steroids or Breathing Treatments
  • Excessive Tiredness After Exercise

Skin Allergies

Urticaria (Hives) and/or Angioedema

Hives can develop on the skin due to many reasons. Common causes include foods, medications, autoimmune diseases and environmental factors amongst others. Angioedema results when there is swelling in the deeper tissues of the skin. These conditions need to be evaluated to identify potential etiologies. Our providers will work with you to develop an optimal treatment plan. New treatment for hives are available.

Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis)

Eczema is characterized by itchy, dry skin commonly on the face, neck, wrists, behind the knees, front of elbow joint and ears, and the trunk. Eczema is often associated with asthma, allergic rhinitis (hay fever) or food allergies. Our providers will identify the common triggers for your eczema and develop the best plan for you to achieve a healthy clear skin and sleep well at night. Call Carmel Allergy today to schedule a consultation and obtain relief.

Allergic Contact Dermatitis

Allergic contact dermatitis is characterized by an itchy, red rash caused by direct contact with an allergen. Our providers will identify the allergen that is causing the skin reaction and develop a treatment plan to manage it. Call Carmel Allergy to schedule a consultation and obtain relief.

Common triggers for contact dermatitis include:

  • Poison Ivy, Poison Oak
  • Hair Dyes or Straighteners
  • Nickel (Metal Found in Jewelry and Belt Buckles)
  • Leather (Specifically, Chemicals Used in Tanning Leather)
  • Latex Rubber
  • Fragrances in Soaps, Shampoos, Lotions, Perfumes, and Cosmetics
  • Medications

Insect Allergy

Insect stings or bites can lead to mild local reactions or severe reactions in people. The common symptoms are pain, swelling, itching at the site of the insect sting and most reactions are mild and localized to the site. A few persons can develop severe life-threatening reactions and the symptoms/signs include: itching and hives, swelling in the throat or tongue, difficulty breathing, dizziness, stomach cramps, nausea or diarrhea.

In severe cases, a rapid fall in blood pressure may result in shock and loss of consciousness. See emergency medical treatment if you have any of these severe symptoms following an insect sting and then request a referral to an allergist. Our providers at Carmel Allergy can diagnose the type of insect you are allergic to and create an appropriate treatment plan. Call Carmel Allergy today to schedule a consultation to enable you stay safe in the future.

Learn to Identify Stinging Insects

Drug Allergies

The potential for developing an allergy to medications is wide. Drug reactions can be allergic or non-allergic and it ranges from mild reactions such as a minor skin rash to severe life-threatening reactions such as anaphylaxis. Patients need to be evaluated to identify the specific medication that a patient might be allergic to. Many people have history of reaction to a drug in childhood (commonly penicillin) to which they may no longer have an allergy and it is important to establish if you have outgrown that specific allergy.

Our providers will take a detailed history, exam and allergy testing to diagnose your drug allergies and create a treatment plan. Call Carmel Allergy today to schedule an appointment.

Immunologic Disorders

These diseases include (Primary Immunodeficiency Deficiency Disorders (PIDD), Common Variable Immune Deficiency (CVID) and Autoimmune Disorders amongst others.

Primary Immunodeficiency Disorders

Because one of the most important functions of the normal immune system is to protect us against infection, patients with PIDD commonly have an increased susceptibility to infection. These conditions present typically with history of recurrent or persistent infections, presence of unusual infections in a particular age group/population. They occur because part of the body’s immune system is missing or functions improperly. You should be suspicious if you have an infection that is Severe - requires hospitalization or intravenous antibiotics, Persistent, caused by an uncommon organism, Recurrent, or it Runs in the Family.

Effective treatment is available for most of these conditions and our providers have the training and expertise to diagnose and manage these immune deficiency disorders. Our providers will work with local hematologists and infectious disease specialists to develop an individualized treatment plan for you.  Call Carmel Allergy to schedule a consultation today.

Symptoms And Signs of Primary Immune Deficiency:
  • Frequent and Recurrent Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Sinus Infections, Ear Infections, Meningitis, or Skin Infections
  • Inflammation and Infection of Internal Organs
  • Blood Disorders, Such as Low Platelet Counts or Anemia
  • Digestive Problems, Such as Cramping, Loss of Appetite, Nausea, and Diarrhea
  • Delayed Growth and Development
  • Autoimmune Disorders, Such as Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, or Type 1 Diabetes